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Prevent Breast Cancer

Sterling Studio hosts Virtual Night In

Prevent Breast Cancer is the UKs only breast cancer charity funding ground-breaking research solely aimed at preventing the disease for future generations. Each year they undertake a series of fundraising and awareness boosting events, ranging from sponsored sports challenges to campaigns such as Breast Fest. However, in 2020 with the majority of live events no longer possible, but fundraising still as necessary as ever, Prevent Breast Cancer refused to let the current climate prevent them from doing what they do best. Instead they devised a plan to host their very first virtual Sunday Night In. Working alongside Event Management Company Saving Grace Events we were asked to provide our technical support in producing an entertainment-based show to help raise the much-needed funds and continue to grow the awareness surrounding the cause. The Sunday night in was to be an exciting extravaganza of celebrity guest appearances, musical performances and heartfelt interviews; all brought together and streamed out live to households across the country for people to enjoy from the comfort and safety of their own sofa.

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